It has been so long since I have updated...
Today I had my first pulmonologist check-up after stopping steroids completely about a month ago. Things are still looking good. My HbA1c has improved from 7.4% to 6.8%, but diabetes control has become so much easier again (not easy, just easier) since stopping the steroids. I hope that I can stay off them permanently. I am still on the Methotrexate, and will still be continuing with this. My SACE has increased slightly from 21 to 36, but the doctor did not seem too concerned about this. I will be doing a full visit again in two months, with lung function tests, X-Ray and blood tests (also particularly to test the level of Vit D), and if things are still looking good they will start to consider a reduction in the methotrexate. The only symptoms remaining now are loss of sense of smell, tiredness (I am still sleeping a lot more than before all this started), and slight weakness in the facial nerve.
I am so relieved that my HbA1c is going in the right direction again, as I tried so hard to get it below (and keep it there) before falling pregnant. I managed to do that, and keep it below 7 for the duration of my pregnancy, and only saw the increase to above 7 again after being on the steroids.
This week is very special for me, filled with special memories (and scary ones). On Friday my son turns 2. More on all that later.
My Endo's practice has arranged an exhibition for Diabetes month and asked whether I would participate. It included a photograph, and I have had to write a short few paragraphs to accompany it. The focus with mine is pregnancy and healthy baby with diabetes.