I connected the CGM over the weekend. First off - I will not be wearing the device permanently. The main reason for this is cost. I will not be able to claim the cost of the monthly sensors from my insurance company.
So first off I am doing basal testing. I have not done any in a long time, and I am pretty sure they are quite "off". I started with my overnight basals (as this is the easiest...). Some tweaks needed - seem to need a little more insulin during the nights and less during the later morning hours. These have obviously been cancelling each other out. I am currently busy with the "morning run". Already it seems as though I need to up my basals here. So, just as I thought, I have been compensating with my morning bolus. I had initially thought my insulin to carb ratios had changed (which they probably have, but not to the extent I have thought....). I hope to finish the testing this week, and then I can relook at my carb to insulin ratios.
Insertion of the sensor was easy peasy (I thought it was going to be more painful). The first calibration was a bit of a pain, and then I had one other calibration issue, but since then things seem to be on track. It has been so interesting looking at the graph, and being able to keep such a good check on my blood sugar levels.
I have been a bit nervous about bathing with the sensor on. Decided against using a second skin with it, but I may in future do. To me it seems as though the adhesive is not as sticky as my pump site - but this is probably just my imagination (probably because it is smaller).
I have not had much reception issues, although I am trying to keep my pump hooked on my trousers on the same side as where the sensor is. (I currently have the sensor on my right, while my pump site is on my left).
Trying not to think about food........
Here the hospital will pick up the tab for a week or so's trial if the endo thinks you'll benefit from it.
So about 2-3 times/year I wear one. Last time it took 3 sensors to actually get one to 'take' properly - the diabetes nurse said rude words because of the cost involved - ooops.
Now, I'm curious on this - do you insert the sensor yourself?
It is an amazing too isn't it? The info makes it worth the starve factor, me thinks. Any jaw dropping surprises yet? Keen to hear.
Sorry I've been such a crap commenter. You know that I do care. Lots.
I insert the sensor myself. It inserts pretty much like a pump site, although at an angle of about 45 degrees or so. (I use Quicksets, which in Minimed/Medtronic talk means no anlge...). It comes with a "insertion" device, much like the one I have for the pump sites. Did not hurt a bit, pertty easy to use.
My endo does "trials" too, but it would be at a cost - either myself, or if they can get it past the medical insurance company.
Ended up doing only two "lots" of basal testing. No adjustments made yet - I know, I suck! then things went wonky, I realised I really should not have started THEN, so decided to give it a week or so and do the others then...
Just amazed at how used to always having those numbers at hand I became!
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